We believe that fundamental measure of our success will be the shareholder value we created in the long term. 我们相信成功基础的方式,是我们创造的股东长期的价值。
This is a fundamental measure for raising the national economy, expanding domestic demand and enhancing international competitiveness. 这是提高国民经济的整体素质,扩大国内需求,增强国际竞争力的根本性措施。
Based on kos second theorem, perfecting systems will be a fundamental measure of declining the transaction costs. 依据科斯第二定理,完善制度将是降低中小学教师绩效工资政策中交易费用的根本举措。
After system analysis, it pointed out improvingtheprecision of the presetting model was the fundamental measure to improve the precision of the coiling temperature. 通过对系统研究和分析,提出了提高卷取温度控制质量的关键。
To improve and perfect relative Supervision Mechanism is the base of all anti-corruption work, and is the fundamental measure to eliminate serious corruption phenomena from source. 反腐败的根本在于健全和完善监督制度,这样才能从源头上解决腐败现象愈演愈烈的现状。
It is fundamental measure of technology surmounting s development that the key technology is gripped and brought about a great advance and permeated every realm of technology simultaneously. 本文提出核心技术的概念,并认为抓住核技术,促进它的发展,同时将之渗透到各个领域,是实现技术跨越式发展的根本措施。
From the views of the speaker, what is the fundamental measure to keep the growth of the global population under control? 在演讲者看来,哪一种手段是最基本的能够保证全球人口在控制范围的手段?
Seawater desalination and direct use is a strategic option and fundamental measure for solving the freshwater shortage in coastal cities. 海水淡化和海水直接利用将是解决沿海城市水紧缺的战略选择和根本措施。
The adjustment of agricultural structure is the fundamental measure to increase the income of farmers in poor mountain area. 推进农业结构调整是促进贫困山区农民增收和脱贫致富的根本措施。
But fundamental measure is to strengthen pollution source control, reduce pollutant load and control sewerage total amount. 但根本的措施仍然是加强污染源治理,减少污染负荷,控制排污总量。
In view of this, strengthening and the normalizing information disclosure and financial risk regulation of banking intermediary services is a fundamental measure for having an overall knowledge of banking operation and for enhancing the ability to prevent financial risks. 强化和规范银行中间业务的信息披露和财务风险监管,是全面掌握银行的经营状况、增强防范金融风险能力的基本举措。
The development of proliferation and culture of marine fishes is the fundamental measure and strategy for the exploitation and sustainable development of marine fishery resources. 发展海洋鱼类的增殖和养殖是海洋鱼类资源的合理开发利用与持续性发展的根本措施和策略。
The South-to-North Water Transfer Project is a fundamental measure to release water stress in Beijing. 南水北调工程是缓解北京市水紧张局面的根本措施。
Writing academic history of a research subject honestly is a fundamental measure of realizing academic rules. 诚实撰写研究性论文之学术史,是实现学术规范的一项实质性措施。
In view of this, in has become the fundamental measure for commercial banks to prevent and defuse financial risks by means of law. 运用法律手段防范和化解商业银行风险成为一个重要手段和根本措施。
The witness 'appearance in court is the fundamental measure, ensuring the judicial justice. 证人出庭作证是保证司法公正的基本措施。
Clustering analysis plays a very important role in the theory and applications of data mining, also a fundamental measure and method about data partition or grouping disposal. 聚类分析在数据挖掘理论和应用中都是一个非常必要的部分,是一种数据划分或分组处理的重要手段和方法。
Disinfection is considered the most essential link in water supply and a fundamental measure against water safety. 在自来水供水系统中,无论水源是地表水还是地下水,消毒被确认为是最基本和最重要的处理环节,是保证人民生活用水安全的基本措施。
? The principle of laser typesetter and fundamental measure methods of moire is introduced. 介绍了激光照排机的原理及莫尔条纹测量技术的基本方法。
The comprehensive harnessing of small watershed is a fundamental measure of controlling the river silt carrying capacity. 小流域综合治理,是控制河流泥沙的根本措施。
The harmonious development of ecosystem ( include ecological environment and human society) is the highest goal of value of human social development and the fundamental measure of appraisement of ecological environment. 生态系统(包括生态环境和人类社会)的和谐发展是评价生态环境的根本尺度和人类社会发展的最高价值目标。
All kinds of methods measuring noise have been produced and A-weighting sound level is extensively used as a kind of fundamental measure in all of the world. 针对不同环境下的噪声国际上提出了很多评价方法,目前为世界上广泛应用的是以A声级作为基本评价量的评价方法。
Therefore, the development of county economy is a fundamental measure to improve the county finance efficiency. 因此发展县域经济是提高县域金融效率的根本措施。
It is a fundamental measure to improve salt resistance of plants in saline-alkali soil. 提高植物的抗盐性是利用盐碱地的根本措施。
Philip Stark said that the love is the fundamental measure of humanity. 菲利普·斯塔克说过:人性化的根本衡量标准就是关爱。
Setting pavement subsurface drainage system is the fundamental measure to exclude the water corning into the pavement. 设置路面内部排水系统,将进入路面结构内的水迅速排除是防治路面水损坏的根本途径。
So, the building of spatial database is a fundamental measure to solve the problem. 而基础地理空间数据库的建设是解决这一问题的根本措施。
Effective in reducing the harm, the fundamental measure is prevention. 有效减少其危害,根本措施在于预防。
Justice is the basic principle of intellectual property rights ethic and the fundamental measure of value and internal basis of intellectual property rights institutional arrangement. 公正原则是知识产权伦理的基本原则,是知识产权制度安排的一种根本价值尺度和内在依据。
Optimizing the allocation of distribution network resources and improving the resources utilization efficiency is fundamental measure to benefit power supply company, but there is no means to analysis the quantification of this. 配电网资源的优化配置和利用效率的提高一直是供电企业提高经济效益的手段,但目前还缺乏这方面的定量化分析工具。